Sermon: Hearing God Speak. The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Hearing God Speak: The Fourth Sunday of Easter It’s the fourth Sunday of Easter already, where did the time go? I want to talk about a touchy subject, hearing the voice of God. It’s touchy because it’s not a simple formula. It’s hard to communicate. We think we‘re good at it, but we’re not. Twitter, texts, often miss the context. There is a difference between shallow conversation and deep communication. God desires the latter.  Deborah Tannen wrote a book on listening, its title is, Why I Can’t Hear…

Lessons From Fishing: The Third Sunday of Easter

The Third Sunday of Easter. Third Sunday of Easter… We are in the south, and I’m proud to be a southerner. However, I’ve learned something about us; fishing is serious. Sometimes we even have a way of embellishingsome of our fish stories.  As the old question goes: What is the difference between a hunter and a fisherman?  A hunter lies in wait, and a fisherman, he waits and lies. There‘s a reason people look suspiciously on a fisherman’s tales. Something about the sport lends itself to a certain amount of…