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Rian Adams

Sermon: Hearing God Speak. The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Hearing God Speak: The Fourth Sunday of Easter It’s the fourth Sunday of Easter already, where did the time go? I want to talk about a touchy subject, hearing the voice of God. It’s touchy because it’s not a simple formula. It’s hard to communicate. We think we‘re good at it, but we’re not. Twitter, texts, often miss the context. There is a difference between shallow conversation and deep communication. God desires the latter.  Deborah Tannen wrote a book on listening, its title is, Why I Can’t Hear…

Lessons From Fishing: The Third Sunday of Easter

The Third Sunday of Easter. Third Sunday of Easter… We are in the south, and I’m proud to be a southerner. However, I’ve learned something about us; fishing is serious. Sometimes we even have a way of embellishingsome of our fish stories.  As the old question goes: What is the difference between a hunter and a fisherman?  A hunter lies in wait, and a fisherman, he waits and lies. There‘s a reason people look suspiciously on a fisherman’s tales. Something about the sport lends itself to a certain amount of…

Choose a Donkey Over a Horse: Palm Sunday Sermon

Choose A Donkey Over A Horse: Palm Sunday Sermon The Rev. Rian Adams, St. Matthews Episcopal Church For over a decade I’ve preached from the Passion narrative on Palm Sunday. This year I’m going to follow my personality and deviate from the norm. Today I’m preaching from the Palm Sunday Gospel reading. Why? Palm Sunday tells a story that prepares us to read the passion narrative. It prepares us to learn the lessons Jesus taught the disciples using a donkey. He used an donkey to show them the heart of the divine. My Palm Sunday sermon…

Pirate Song Cover by Rian Adams

My cover of Pirate Song by Kenny Chesney. I’ve appreciated this song since it released on Kenny’s latest album, Songs for the Saints…

Prewar Gibson Banjo – Pike County Breakdown

Here’s my rendition of Pike County Breakdown played on my walnut Gibson style 2 conversion banjo. The banjo is an early 1930s one-piece flange banjo with a Huber HR-30 tone ring…

Gibson Prewar Banjo, Early 1930s Style 2

Allow me a confession: I love Gibson prewar banjos! I’ve caught a lot of flack over the years for being an amateur banjo player because people tend to assume I don’t have teeth. The complex was so bad that after graduate school I kept my “hobby” a secret so I could appear “intellectual.” (Hey, we all have our moments.) Here’s me on an early 1930s prewar Gibson walnut style 2. There’s more information below the video. I feel lucky sometimes, (well each day to be alive but…