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Rian Adams

Rian Adams: Acoustic Guitar Cover of Distantly In Love by Jimmy Buffett

Rian Adams Covers Distantly In Love by Jimmy Buffett Anyone who knows me knows I’m a Parrothead. I love Jimmy because his music has soul therefore it’s not simply about a black or a white worldview. To me this song is not about a person as much as it is about an idea. Life is complex. Most of all it has good memories, I sang it with friends at the Green Bean at Bagram Air Field. That’s why I wanted to record my simple version of Distantly In Love. Meaning I enjoy this…

Freckles: By Want To Be Poet, Rian Adams

Freckles by Rian Adams I’m just another man who wants to be a poet when he grows up. I hope my words inspire you to find your hope. The joy of being a poet First of all, writing poetry is cathartic for my soul and helps me grow as a person. Another reason I enjoy it is that it helps me love with more purity. This poem engages how some of us love so deeply that we desire to notice the simple things. Hence, the inspiration for this poem came at the movies with my son. Because…

Pieces: Poetry by Rian Adams

Pieces: Poetry by Rian Adams

A Rian Adams Poem called Pieces
Broken pieces make a beautiful whole.

Destiny: Poetry by William Rian Adams

Destiny: A Poem By Rian Adams     To find our destiny, we must often have the courage to look at ourselves…

Sunlight: Poetry by William Rian Adams

Poetry by Rian Adams: Sunlight…

Finding The Soul’s Identity: Thoughts on John 15

  Soul: Finding Identity by W. Rian Adams Lectionary Reading: John 15:9-17, Sixth Sunday After Easter, Year B. Soul identity is confusing. It’s also often faked in light of a desired persona. Listen carefully to this week’s lectionary Gospel and you will hear a call to find the soul’s true identity in God. It is often the challenge of true spirituality to find the true self as rooted in the compassionate Christ. Jesus confronted this in the Pharisees and warned his disciples of the dangers of the false self. The Gospel…