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Rian Adams

Sermon: “Never Surrender Your Authenticity” Ephiphany 6

Matthew: 5:20-37 Counterfeiters make over a billion dollars a year, making fake designer clothes and handbags. That billion is from the United States, not the rest of the world. These are not cheap knock offs from street vendors; they are well-made fakes. There’s an underground black market where you can pay $450 for a well-made handbag that’s impersonating a $6k Chanel. In 2018 The New York Times ran an article about customs seizing enough counterfeit handbags, shoes, and belts to fill 22 shipping containers. They estimated the loss to American retailers to…

“I Saw the Light” Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Ephiphany

Sermon from the Fifth Sunday after Ephiphany I Saw the Light The man was drunk and out of his mind when his mother led him to the car. She knew he’d pass out in the back seat like he did every other time. She helped him in the car and set out to drive him home. It wasn’t an isolated occurrence, it always happened when he traveled. He would sleep most of the way home. Then she would wake him when they were about fifteen mins away from his house so he would wake up enough to…

“Patience and Perseverance” Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Ephiphany, Year A.

Patience and Perseverance When I was a kid, my least favorite Church service of the year occurred on this day. You see, I grew up in a pastor’s home, and my grandfather’s church had a Sunday night service every week. I wanted to watch the Super Bowl instead of going to church. So I concocted a plan, we could have a church party and watch the super bowl together.  That idea crashed as gloriously as it burned. We refused to “compromise and worship at the altar of a football.” I was twelve, and in…

Fishing and Fighting: Leave Your Saftey Net

Fishing and Fighting: Leave Your Saftey Net Behind “We all have one thing in common,” says Brene Brown, “we’re sick of feeling afraid. We’re tired of the national conversation centering on “What we should fear” and “Who we should blame.”  She points out a spiritual problem; fear is everywhere. With every change of the TV channel, every click of a mouse, every swipe of a smartphone, or scroll of an iPad something or someone tells us to be afraid.  But fear is nothing new, the disciples even dealt with it in the Gospel lesson; Jesus asked…

Do You Want the Church to Grow? Epiphany

Sermon: Do You Want the Church to Grow? Second Sunday After Ephiphany Andrew wasn’t the popular kid in class. His name is only mentioned in twelve verses in the Bible, and eight of those describe him as “Peter’s little brother.” Even though he was one of the first two or three followers of Jesus, Peter was still the popular kid in school.  But, Andrew was in the top 100 boy’s name in 2019. Peter didn’t make the list. It took him 2000 years, but he finally finished ahead of his brother…

A Star and A Stable: Responding to Disappointments. Sermon for Epiphany

Stars and a Stable: Responding to Disappointments One of my closest friends loves UGA! He’s a graduate and a dedicated football loyalist. Now let’s not question his Christianity just yet. He has a saying, “When I die, make sure you chant the Eucharist at my funeral mass. And make sure the University of Georgia football players serve as my pal bearers. That way, they can let me down one time.”  I am a Seminole fan. Someone asked me a few weeks ago, “What will you do if the Seminoles win their bowl game?” I…