Memorial Day: The Conflicting Feelings of a Combat Officer

Memorial Day: The Conflicting Feelings of a Combat Officer By Rian Adams Another Memorial Day is here…. I find myself conflicted as usual. On one hand, I’m very thankful to be counted among the living today. It could have easily gone the other way. I’ll confess that I didn’t sleep last night. I’m well aware of the reason. I remember my friends. This morning I made espresso and took medicine that prevents me from dying of seizures. Thanks, Afghanistan, eye roll. I don’t want to take this medicine…

Reflections On Grace: My Grandparents’s 62nd Anniversary

Reflections on Grace: The 62nd Wedding Anniversary of My Grandparents By The Rev. Rian Adams Today my grandparents, both alive and in good health, celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary. I learned many lessons about grace as I watched and reflected on their relationship. I woke up early this morning intending to work on my dissertation that, ironically enough, focuses on a theology of mercy. That’s when it hit me; a great way to understand mercy is to reflect on how amazing people have lived their vocations together these past 62 years. Their love has modeled compassion and…

Why I Respect Veterans by Rian Adams

Why I Respect Veterans By Rian Adams I’m thankful that I served the United States, and I proudly respect veterans who served before me, and after me. Recently I realized, yet again, why I respect veterans so much. A few days ago I drove up on a bad wreck, I didn’t know exactly what happened as I approached in my little green pick-up truck with 210,000 miles but I could see a van overturned in the middle of the highway. There were a few people, perhaps five or six gathered around the van…