The Will of God: Jesus, Demons, and Family Drama by The Rev. Rian Adams “But how do I know the will of God?” The woman was extremely distraught. She had to choose between two equally appealing options and genuinely didn’t know what to do. The church where she grew up drilled a certain theology into her that served as a handicap. That theology goes something like this: If you mess up and miss the will of God, it can ruin your life. She meant well, the church who taught her to live in fear probably…
Reimagining the Ministry of Jesus by The Rev. W. Rian Adams I’m going to be direct here, as long as there has been religion there have been people using it to create rules. These rules often damage others psychologically and spiritually. I propose a reimagining of the ministry of Jesus in light of the suffering around us and thereby offering the love that has so popularized the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Michael Curry. In this lectionary reading, Mark teaches a valuable lesson: it’s healthy to go against the grain of religion in order…
Healing Snakes: Christ and Healing from Bitterness By The Rev. Rian Adams The title says it all! Through the Christ and his love there is healing from bitterness. Today’s lesson is a prime example of how that can happen. When the image of a snake comes to mind it usually carries a negative connotation. I had many lessons as a child about the dangers of snakes. But Jesus, like so many things in the Gospel of John, flips the reader’s preconceived notions to the other side of the coin. Snakes can also be a…
Pentecost: John’s Critique of Our Preoccupation With Sin By The Rev. Rian Adams Pentecost is the time of the church year where Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. However, over the years it’s also been a confusing time for me personally. Mostly because sermons tend to focus our attention on how the Spirit came (e.g. rushing mighty wind) or when the Spirit came (e.g. when the church was gathered in one mind… unity) instead of why. The Gospel lesson for Pentecost Sunday gives us a good look at why. As…
Unity: The Spirituality of Jesus’s High Priestly Prayer by Rian Adams Unity. We don’t know what it is, but we certainly know what it’s not. Unity is not connectivity. We have plenty of connections these days… Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… even connections at church. The list goes on and on. But are we any closer to real unity with God and one another? I think this week’s lectionary reading confronts a longing deep inside of us for a oneness of heart and soul. Most agree, “sure we need unity…
Soul: Finding Identity by W. Rian Adams Lectionary Reading: John 15:9-17, Sixth Sunday After Easter, Year B. Soul identity is confusing. It’s also often faked in light of a desired persona. Listen carefully to this week’s lectionary Gospel and you will hear a call to find the soul’s true identity in God. It is often the challenge of true spirituality to find the true self as rooted in the compassionate Christ. Jesus confronted this in the Pharisees and warned his disciples of the dangers of the false self. The Gospel…