Poetry by Rian Adams on Beauty and Experience: Grey

Grey by Rian Adams

My poem “Grey” focuses on the beauty that can often come with age and experience. True love appreciate all parts of a person, even the complexities and the ambiguities. When we see the complexities and contradictions of love, and accept them, that’s when love is true. Otherwise it’s simply projection of an ideal.

A Rian Adams poem on the beauty of grey hairs.
My poem highlights the beauty of highlights.





Real men lie when they tell their ladies that they pulled out a grey hair.

There is something sacred about acknowledging the stresses, the disappointments, and ambiguities of a life that never went as we planned because it disarms our fears.

Carl Jung said of poetry that, “The psychologist would call “sentimental” poetry introverted and the “naive” kind extraverted.” If this is true, I’ll happily be an introvert!

If you would like to read more of my poetry you can find it here. Peace!

About The Author

Rian Adams