The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul: A Complicated Saint and the Mysteries of Tradition

St. Paul’s conversion is one of the most dramatic in Christian history, but his legacy is complex. While his writings shape much of our theology and liturgy, they have also been misused to justify exclusion. Yet Paul’s core message is one of radical grace—God’s mercy transforms even the most unlikely people. His life challenges us to practice patience, unity, and reconciliation…

Poem: Young Spirituality

Young Spirituality I love old things, especially old typewriters because they seem to have a certain “soul” that my Mac’s keyboard does not hold. I type a lot of my poetry on my typewriter from the early 1960s. This poem, young spirituality, is one of those. This poem came to me in an instant while driving in Asheville North Carolina. I noticed a group of people holding signs and screaming with a megaphone on the evils of abortion and “liberalism.” Half a mile down the street was another group, this time marching in…

Poem: Follow Your Soul

The Poetry of Rian Adams: Follow Your Soul Each time I ponder the idea of the human Soul I’m not able to escape the spiritual context because to recognize soul is to admit something beyond the brain. In Christian spirituality, the concept of original sin has permeated western thought for centuries. The oversimplified version says that a literal Adam sinned, in a literal garden, thus every human born after Adam is infected with sin. This idea goes further and says that God will judge every human born based on their sinfulness. This sinfulness is inherent in their…

“Shield: Carrying the Weight of God” a sermon by Rian Adams

Rian Adams Sermon “Shield: Carrying the Weight of God.” Second Sunday of Lent, Year C A shield normally has one  job… the difference between life and death can be how well a shield does that job. A shield’s job is to protect. In the Genesis passage God identifies as a shield – protector – to Abram… Gen 15:1 “Abram, I am your shield.” It’s clear from the beginning of the story, God desires a relationship with Abram where God protects and guards him.There are many layers in God’s announcement, “I am…

The Will of God: Jesus, Demons, and Family Drama

The Will of God: Jesus, Demons, and Family Drama by The Rev. Rian Adams  “But how do I know the will of God?” The woman was extremely distraught. She had to choose between two equally appealing options and genuinely didn’t know what to do. The church where she grew up drilled a certain theology into her that served as a handicap. That theology goes something like this: If you mess up and miss the will of God, it can ruin your life. She meant well, the church who taught her to live in fear probably…

Memorial Day: The Conflicting Feelings of a Combat Officer

Memorial Day: The Conflicting Feelings of a Combat Officer By Rian Adams Another Memorial Day is here…. I find myself conflicted as usual. On one hand, I’m very thankful to be counted among the living today. It could have easily gone the other way. I’ll confess that I didn’t sleep last night. I’m well aware of the reason. I remember my friends. This morning I made espresso and took medicine that prevents me from dying of seizures. Thanks, Afghanistan, eye roll. I don’t want to take this medicine…