Pieces: Poetry by Rian Adams

Pieces: Poetry by Rian Adams

A Rian Adams Poem called Pieces
Broken pieces make a beautiful whole.

Destiny: Poetry by William Rian Adams

Destiny: A Poem By Rian Adams     To find our destiny, we must often have the courage to look at ourselves…

Sunlight: Poetry by William Rian Adams

Poetry by Rian Adams: Sunlight…

Finding The Soul’s Identity: Thoughts on John 15

  Soul: Finding Identity by W. Rian Adams Lectionary Reading: John 15:9-17, Sixth Sunday After Easter, Year B. Soul identity is confusing. It’s also often faked in light of a desired persona. Listen carefully to this week’s lectionary Gospel and you will hear a call to find the soul’s true identity in God. It is often the challenge of true spirituality to find the true self as rooted in the compassionate Christ. Jesus confronted this in the Pharisees and warned his disciples of the dangers of the false self. The Gospel…

Poetry by Rian Adams: Be Stronger

Be Stronger: A Poem by Rian Adams This is my poem “Be Stronger.” Find more of my poetry here…

Poem: Live Free

Live Free: A Poem by Rian Adams   Live free! It’s the only way to be authentically you…