Beyond the Collar: Fostering Genuine Connection in Christian Ministry In the vocation of Christian ministry, one encounters a profound and often paradoxical challenge: the mandate to serve authentically within a context where unspoken expectations can feel as binding as any ecclesiastical decree. With reverence and hope, parishioners frequently imagine their clergy as epitomes of moral clarity, unwavering wisdom, and spiritual serenity. Such elevated views, while rooted in respect, inadvertently prompt clergy to assume a “mask”—a crafted persona that aligns with these idealized expectations yet restricts the freedom of authentic self-expression. Drawing from the depths of Anglican theology…
Young Spirituality I love old things, especially old typewriters because they seem to have a certain “soul” that my Mac’s keyboard does not hold. I type a lot of my poetry on my typewriter from the early 1960s. This poem, young spirituality, is one of those. This poem came to me in an instant while driving in Asheville North Carolina. I noticed a group of people holding signs and screaming with a megaphone on the evils of abortion and “liberalism.” Half a mile down the street was another group, this time marching in…
The Poetry of Rian Adams: Follow Your Soul Each time I ponder the idea of the human Soul I’m not able to escape the spiritual context because to recognize soul is to admit something beyond the brain. In Christian spirituality, the concept of original sin has permeated western thought for centuries. The oversimplified version says that a literal Adam sinned, in a literal garden, thus every human born after Adam is infected with sin. This idea goes further and says that God will judge every human born based on their sinfulness. This sinfulness is inherent in their…
The Will of God: Jesus, Demons, and Family Drama by The Rev. Rian Adams “But how do I know the will of God?” The woman was extremely distraught. She had to choose between two equally appealing options and genuinely didn’t know what to do. The church where she grew up drilled a certain theology into her that served as a handicap. That theology goes something like this: If you mess up and miss the will of God, it can ruin your life. She meant well, the church who taught her to live in fear probably…
Reimagining the Ministry of Jesus by The Rev. W. Rian Adams I’m going to be direct here, as long as there has been religion there have been people using it to create rules. These rules often damage others psychologically and spiritually. I propose a reimagining of the ministry of Jesus in light of the suffering around us and thereby offering the love that has so popularized the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Michael Curry. In this lectionary reading, Mark teaches a valuable lesson: it’s healthy to go against the grain of religion in order…
Poem: Hand and Cheek By W. Rian Adams Hand and Cheek is a poem about communication… well, let’s be honest, it’s really a poem about a girl!! A very pretty girl I call the love of my life. Over the years I’ve learned that love often communicates without the need for words. As we stare into the eyes of someone who loves us, their eyes will tell a story as old as time. Additionally, love is able to communicate through gentle or erotic touch. You can tell someone you love them and…